You deserve to live a deep and rich life that feels like FREEDOM, JOY, CONFIDENCE & PURPOSE.
Inner WIlderness Camp is the Soul-Centered transformative course focused on uncovering your wild wisdom and gifts.
It is a group of like-minded, wild hearted friends gathering together for the group coaching experience, dedicated to YOU BECOMING YOU.
You get stuck in your life, when unconscious beliefs hold you back. These unconscious beliefs cause behaviors, and your behaviors create suffering.
You will learn exactly how to get out of the suffering cycle, unstick yourself from limiting habits and beliefs, and enjoy the WILD ADVENTURE of exploring your own Inner WIlderness.
Numbing out
Going through the motions
Waiting for a better time
Being afraid
Making excuses
What is Inner Wilderness Camp?
It is a gathering of friends, new and old, who are each devoted to living closer to their essential self. We ground into our own Nature, and into Nature itself to become more whole, more fully human, and more connected to our own gifts and to each other. It is a 2 month journey of Soul & Spirit, The Inner Self & The Outer World, and how each one of us as Individuals thrive when we realize our gifts as acts of service to our communities.
It is a combination of guided, meaningful conversation, deep inner listening, uncovering the secret to navigating your life from your soul’s GPS, creating lasting changes & and true friendships, and uncovering your own radiance and beauty.
If you long for your soul friends, and you long to traverse the landscape of your own Inner Wilds in a sacred and safe space, then please join us!!!
Inner Wilderness Camp will be lead by Marni Sclaroff through the Saged App Community.