Autumn Alchemy
Rituals are creative acts that open doorways to new possibilities.
They also help us in marking moments in time.
We are almost at the mid-point between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice.
This is the cyclical time of the thinning veils, the season of dreaming and imagination, and the time when the ancestors are listening closely.
This a class will include meditation, breathwork, seated movement and then we will use oracle cards, and Tarot cards to spark the imaginative intuition.
There will be time for discussion and reflection, and we will create a space for encountering magick!
Class size is limited to keep the ritual space intimate.
Have some water to drink. Comfy seat or meditation cushion. Quiet space. Your seasonal altar if you have one. A deck of Tarot or other Oracle cards.
*This is a livestream online class. You will receive a link to the zoom after you regsiter.
Thanksgiving Day-Gratitude Flow
A yoga practice to re-connect to the healing energy of gratitude. Creative, warming, grounding, and inspiring.
Online. Class will be recorded for all who sign up.
Floyd Yoga Jam-Yoga & Music Festival
Floyd Yoga Jam has become one of my favorite events all year! It is a homecoming where friends, yogis and musicians gather up on the mountain near Floyd, VA for a weekend of connecting, celebrating, dancing, and yogaing together.
I’ll be teaching some yoga classes and bringing the wild.
Can’t wait to celebrate with you!
The Sublime Summer Yoga Retreat
It’s time to gather again at the Yogaville, for our third annual retreat.
This weekend will be full of rejuvenating yoga practices, nourishing and delicious organic food, play time in the river, deep and meaningful conversations with like-spirited friends, and a rekindling of the things that inspire you.
There will be time for rest, walking in nature, and eating delicious and organic vegetarian food.
Revelatory yoga practices, breathwork, deep conversation, and guided meditations with Marni.
Time for nature walks, rest, and just being.
Connecting with like minded friends.
Guidance for integrating your new perspective into your daily life.
The Yoga Lab :: Community Gathering
Bring your questions and inquiries about yoga philosophy, yoga postures, injuries, etc.
We'll gather as a community, ground into the body and breath, and then, I'll answer all of your questions about yoga!
FREE for all members of Yoga.Soul.Magic
$10 for non-members-REGISTER HERE
Movement, Meditation & Mandala
There is something powerful about bringing things full circle. As we embark on a new year, we will tap into the symbolism of the circle and marry physical movement with physical creation. Join Jessica Croker (artist, mother, RYT-500) and Marni Sclaroff (mother, artist, life coach & ERYT 500) for Meditation, Movement and Mandala.
We will gather as a community in recognition that every one of us has a deep well of creativity and that accessing this creative power is transformative both as individuals and for the collective. You will liberate your creative intuition with a guided meditative journey, yoga-inspired movement, and a mandala-making art project.
No previous experience is necessary. The materials fee is included in the price of the workshop.
$75 (includes all materials)
New Year's Day: Alchemy Practice
The New Year is a potent time for release, renewal, and re-calibration.
The Alchemy Practice marries yoga, meditation, dance, breathwork, rhythm, and flow.
There will be 60 minutes of physical practice, a seated meditation, relaxation, and time for discussion and intention setting for the New Year.
$15 or free for members of the online school.
Winter Solstice Yoga Practice
On the eve of the Winter Solstice, we'll move and breathe together to honor the release of the previous cycle, and welcome in the new. This is an important time to slow down, get quiet, and let your body speak with movement. We'll begin by calling the 5 elements and directions, and then flow through a yoga inspired movement practice with music!
Community Yoga Nidra Practice
Let's gather (on zoom) for the cross-quarter day in between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice. This is a holiday traditionally recognized as a time to connect to the ancestors, and all things invisible. The veils between the worlds are thin, and we can more easily access support and guidance from these other worlds.
We'll begin with a community check-in by inviting questions and engaging the imagination with Tarot cards, and then end with a guided breathwork and yoga nidra session. This is an opportunity to connect with your soul tribe, with your ancestors & guides and nature's wisdom that lives within.
You will feel recalibrated and whole once again.
*This is free for all members of Yoga.Soul.Magic-JOIN HERE
Making Magic
It is the time of year when the veils between the worlds are thin, the ancestors are close, the outer world is more dark, and your inner world is more vibrant.
It is the perfect time to delve into the world of MAGIC.
Magic is the art of altering hidden dynamics, using your words in conscious ways, and being in a reverent relationship with all of nature. Magic is simply the energy of the universe. In this workshop, you will learn:
* How to cast a circle
* The craft of writing and activating spells
* How to use Tarot cards for receiving guidance
* How to use your intuition to navigate big life changes.
This workshop will be on zoom, and will be recorded for all participants.
The Stories of Yoga: Hanuman, Durga, Ganesha & Lakshmi
Join for four inspired talks on the Gods and Goddesses of yoga. These myths are truly the '“heart of yoga”, and they illuminate our lives in many beautiful ways. Myths help us to make meaning ou of our lives, and to understand our experiences. You will see your own truth hiding in plain sight as you hear the stories of the devoted monkey God, Hanuman; the elephant headed boy, Ganesha, the fiercely loving warrior mother, Durga, and the Goddess of abundance and beauty, Lakshmi.
You will learn the stories and mantras for each one, and embodied practices that you can apply to your daily life.
We will meet on four Tuesday nights 7-8 pm on zoom. May 3-May 24. All sessions will be recorded and you will be able to download those recordings to your computer for lifetime access.
Investment: $45
Jump Start: 15 minutes for 15 days-Yoga Challenge
The new year is the perfect time to create a new habit of daily movement practice. Join our community for a daily (M-F) practice of 15 minutes of yoga at noon on zoom. The practices are for all levels, and will be creative, fun. and fluid. Each day will be a new practice. All sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the course so that you can access them anytime you need a little pick-me-up.
If you’ve been telling yourself that you want to do more yoga, or get more exercise, or if you just need a little extra inspiration to get your body off the couch, HERE IT IS!
$60 includes 15 live zoom sessions, plus all of the recordings.
Imagine & Create: New Year Gathering
Your imagination is the most powerful tool you have. It can be used to create misery or bliss.
Lets gather for a collective transformational practice of re-imagining our lives from the inside out. We’ll talk about the best way to make big goals happen, and how the process is where the magic lives. Bring a journal and a pen, and your friends too!
Yoga at River Sea Chocolates
Bring a Mat! Wear your costumes!
First 20 people get free Beloved Yoga swag and passes!
All are welcome to this joyful yoga and chocolate filled family experience. Join Marni for a playful, fun, and engaging yoga practice to celebrate the Autumn and community.
- Free hot chocolate by River Sea
- 10% off all River Sea Shop
- trick or treating
For more info about River Sea:
Shapeshift-FREE Session
Please join us for a free ShapeShift Session. Women Only.
We are living through a global shift in consciousness. The old ways are unsustainable, and we are literally birthing this new world together. Women, in particular, carry a deep and essential wisdom and power that is desperately needed at this time. Yet, many of us feel lost, confused, and stuck.
We have become disconnected from our essential nature, and we stopped believing in ourselves.
Shapeshift is a transformative circle for women that meets twice a month for 6 months. .
Shapeshifting is the practice of becoming more YOU. Anything that feels not quite right in your life, any places of dissatisfaction, and place of struggle—-these are the doors to your essential self. This is a space for exploration, illumination, and for coming to your natural radiance and wisdom.
In this free introductory session, you will learn how trust your inner knowing, and how to hear the truest voice of your soul. This is the catalyst you need in order to create the life that you know you are meant to live.
We anchor into what is essential.
We stop abandoning ourselves,
and we learn how to focus on the things that matter most.
We learn how to believe in our own wisdom, power, and beauty. And when we do this, we know how exactly what to do next.
How to Live with Purpose
30 minutes movement practice, 2 hours coaching/teaching
We all want to live a life of true satisfaction and yet, so many of us experience dissatisfaction in our relationships, with our work, and just a general sense of something being "off". As human beings, our health is dependent on us feeling connected to something bigger than ourselves, and for us to feel that our lives are in some way contributing to the greater whole. In this gathering, you will be guided through potent and simple exercises that will guide to your purpose. You will uncover the things that really matter to you, the things that bring you joy, and the natural gifts that you are meant to bring forth into the world. You will understand the deep wisdom that lives in your own body, and how to access it anytime you want.
This is an all-levels workshop. Bring a mat, an open mind, and a willingness to grow.
A Night of Myth and Metaphor-Fireside Chat
A Night of Myth & Metaphor With Emily and Marni
Join us around the fire for an enchanting evening of myth, metaphor and storytelling. Stories are what help us to understand our experiences, and they bring meaning and fullness to our lives. You will experience the power of the mythic perspective, and how it can illuminate your wise inner guidance system. You will leave with a deeper sense of belonging to yourself, to life, and to our community.
Register HERE
Floyd Yoga Jam
I’ll be returning to teach at Floyd Yoga Jam again this summer. Its such a beautiful weekend of nature, fun, music, yoga, and friends!
How to Live with Purpose
How to Live on Purpose
We all want to live a life of true satisfaction and yet, so many of us experience dissatisfaction in our relationships, with our work, and just a general sense of something being "off".
As human beings, our health is dependent on us feeling connected to something bigger than ourselves, and for us to feel that our lives are in some way contributing to the greater whole. In this gathering, you will be guided through potent and simple exercises that will guide to your purpose. You will uncover the things that really matter to you, the things that bring you joy, and the natural gifts that you are meant to bring forth into the world. You will understand the deep wisdom that lives in your own body, and how to access it anytime you want.
This is an all levels workshop. Just an open mind, and a willingness to grow are the necessary ingredients.
Bring a yoga mat, a journal and a pen.
Register HERE
Free Outdoor Yoga Class
Join Marni and other teachers of Beloved Yoga at Reston Town Center Pavilion for an Athleta-sponsored event
We will be offering two classes to share yoga for all. Athleta & Beloved Yoga will be offering plenty of give-aways of free passes.
First Mondays- Group Coaching Circle (by donation)
A monthly gathering centered around Connection, Conversation & Coaching.
We meet the First Monday of Every Month
7:45-8:45 pm, on Zoom.
*By Donation
Office Hours-Free for The Community
All yoga students & teachers are welcome and invited to come and get your questions answered, receive guidance on your practice, and just enjoy the friendship that grows as we grow together.
Office Hours are a FREE offering to the community.
Inner Wilderness Camp: A two month, community adventure into the inner wilds.
Inner Wilderness Camp is a gathering of friends, new and old, who are each devoted to living closer to their essential self. We ground into our own Nature, and into Nature itself to become more whole, more fully human, and more connected to our own gifts and to each other.
It is a 2 month journey of Soul & Spirit, The Inner Self & The Outer World, and how each one of us as Individuals thrive when we realize our gifts as acts of service to our communities.
Meet your soul friends, and traverse the landscape of your own Inner Wilds in a sacred and safe space.
Dance Ritual.
Join us for a liberating, fun, and joyful dance party dedicated to moving our bodies, sweating our booties off, and releasing anything that’s stuck.
I”ll make a great playlist that will get you jumping and moving, and together, we’ll celebrate life in all of its shapes and forms.
I give a little bit of guidance, but really, it’s about wild self-expression, joyful movement, and letting your nature be nurtured.
By donation or free for all members of my online school.
When you donate, you’ll receive the zoom link in an emall.
Your Soul's Code
A one hour workshop to introduce you to the art of uncovering your purpose and living fearlessly.
Dance Party
Dance Party to Welcome 2021! Guided by Marni!
A soulful and sweaty mashup of dance, breath & yoga.
Free your life force, move your body, and dance your prayers.
We will start with a slow flowing warm up, and then dance and move together, and end with a deep and nourishing relaxation.
By Donation.
Welcome Winter Yoga Nidra
Lets welcome winter with an inner journey and yoga nidra practice. This will be a combination of guided intuitive journey to meet your animal guide, and then we will drift off into the deep and restful yogic sleep.
This will be deeply rejuvenative, soulfully nourishing, and will leave you feeling revitalized and cleansed.
Coaching Skills For Yoga Teachers-Training
Empower your teaching + your ability to hold space for transformation, with skills and tools from a certified life coach.
Your students deserve a teacher who knows how to listen, to guide, and to coach them. And you deserve to feel supported and confident in how you lead the way.
As more and more people bring the yoga practice into their homes and out of the studios, there is an opportunity to support your students in more concrete ways. People come to yoga because they want to support their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. Your students and clients value your guidance, and they want your help in translating their yoga into their daily lives.
Life coaching does exactly this. It is the bridge between the inner yoga and outer yoga, and it has transformed the way I teach, practice, and live.
I will teach you practical tools that you can directly apply to your work with private clients, group classes, teacher trainings, group workshops, etc.
Wednesdays 12/9 & 12/16 2-4 pm (et)
We will meet on zoom, and both sessions will be recorded and accessible after for all participants.
This will be a small group experience for personalized attention and guidance. Limit to 10 participants.
Manifestation Workshop
You want what you want, because you want to feel a certain way. The things that you think you want are symbolic for how you want to feel. Often, we go around, wasting our energy and time on chasing after things, when really, what we actually want is always here, waiting for you to grab it.
In this workshop, we will unravel the truth about how manifestation works, and you will uncover your authentic desires and true joy, that hold the power to manifest everything you’ve ever wanted.
What you will learn in this workshop:
How manifestation works.
How to clarify what you want
Why meditation matters
Daily practices for manifesting
Manifestation meditation
One on one and group coaching on how to connect to your natural ability to manifest
This is a small group coaching session, and will be a combination of teaching, coaching, and practice.
ShapeShifting: A talk about conscious transformation
This is a class being offered in collaboration with Saged App.
Shapeshifting: Transformation from the Inside Out.
Shapeshifting is the practice of conscious transformation. It is a natural process, but many of us don't know how it works, and so we stay stuck in old patterns, and we feel that there is always something "not quite right" about how our lives unfold. As soon as you understand the process, you can use it to create the life you know you are meant to live, and synchronicity and magic start to happen. Shapeshifting is a process connected to your essential self, and it also serves your outer self, which includes your work, your relationships, and your ability to manage your finances, etc.. It is truly one of the most important life skills. In this one hour talk, you will be introduced to the process of shapeshifting, and you will leave with practices that you can apply immediately to any place of struggle in your life.