Storytelling is what makes humans human. It is how we understand ourselves and our world. It is the way we connect, heart to heart and soul to soul.
As people dedicated to wellbeing, and to helping others live more in balance, our work is desperately needed at this time. I know that most of us didn’t choose to be yoga teachers or healers because we wanted to be entrepreneurs. But, we still need to find ways of connecting to new students and clients, and we want to do this in a way that feels natural, authentic, and heart-centered.
We are in a new world of online everything, and the online world is run by stories. The stories that we tell matter, because they create the world that we live in.
Over the years, I have collected stories, refined my own voice, and built a vibrant online community by sharing my stories with authenticity and love.
Sharing my voice has helped me to clarify who I am, what I stand for, and who I wish to serve. It has also drawn the exact right people to me.
I would love to share some of the tools I have learned for staying inspired, gathering stories, synthesizing them for inspired marketing, and for seeing your own story as the most potent key to your success in serving others.
We will meet on zoom.