Filtering by: “Life Coaching”

How to Live with Purpose

How to Live with Purpose

30 minutes movement practice, 2 hours coaching/teaching

We all want to live a life of true satisfaction and yet, so many of us experience dissatisfaction in our relationships, with our work, and just a general sense of something being "off". As human beings, our health is dependent on us feeling connected to something bigger than ourselves, and for us to feel that our lives are in some way contributing to the greater whole. In this gathering, you will be guided through potent and simple exercises that will guide to your purpose. You will uncover the things that really matter to you, the things that bring you joy, and the natural gifts that you are meant to bring forth into the world. You will understand the deep wisdom that lives in your own body, and how to access it anytime you want.

This is an all-levels workshop. Bring a mat, an open mind, and a willingness to grow.


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Manifestation  Workshop

Manifestation Workshop

You want what you want, because you want to feel a certain way. The things that you think you want are symbolic for how you want to feel. Often, we go around, wasting our energy and time on chasing after things, when really, what we actually want is always here, waiting for you to grab it.

In this workshop, we will unravel the truth about how manifestation works, and you will uncover your authentic desires and true joy, that hold the power to manifest everything you’ve ever wanted.

What you will learn in this workshop:

  • How manifestation works.

  • How to clarify what you want

  • Why meditation matters

  • Daily practices for manifesting

  • Manifestation meditation

  • One on one and group coaching on how to connect to your natural ability to manifest

    This is a small group coaching session, and will be a combination of teaching, coaching, and practice.

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Everyday Magic: Monthly Women's Coaching Group

Everyday Magic: Monthly Women's Coaching Group

We want to live full and vibrant lives. We want our lives to be creative and satisfying. We also want to take care of our bodies, enjoy our friends and families, have great sex, and do meaningful work. AND, life is messy and hard, and we have bills to pay and bathrooms to clean, and kids to feed.

Inevitably, there will be places of struggle and dissatisfaction. Or, you might just know that there is more for you and your life.

In this circle, we will bring the tools of life-coaching to our places of struggle and to the places of possibility.

We will tap into the technologies of magic and to the wisdom of soul, and we will hold sacred space for our positive transformation. We will address the sacred transitions of relationships, mothering, career, etc., and we will create living rituals to embody and integrate our deepest knowings.

The group is limited to 4 women, and you must pre-register to hold your space.

We will meet each month in my home in Reston, VA. Our first meeting in On Sunday, 1/26.

After you pay, you will receive directions to my home.


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Yoga + Life Training: Life Coaching and Yoga at Sytera Yoga
to Mar 8

Yoga + Life Training: Life Coaching and Yoga at Sytera Yoga

Yoga Life Training with Marni Sclaroff at SyteraYoga

“We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.” This saying by Anais Nin illustrates why it is so hard to get clarity when making important life decisions. Join us to learn powerful tools that can slice through all the clutter and get you to where you want to be in life. Life Coaching + Yoga is a whole-person self-care plan for body and mind; uncovering and building your strength so that you are capable of finding your clear purpose in life and navigating the inevitable ups and downs of life with ease.

What if no matter what life throws your way, you have the skills to lean in, and to allow that experience to make you more whole instead of depleting you? What would it feel like to understand what it means to choose your response, instead of getting carried away by life’s drama while barely keeping your head above water?

This mind-body approach to Life Coaching + Yoga will help you cultivate and gather tools needed for sustained self-care of body and mind. Yoga poses teach us about us; we get to explore our bodies and minds literally in all dimensions. The result is that you feel, stronger, energized and focused. You build up the self care muscle so that you actually want to take care of yourself, instead of it feeling like a chore. Then you will be ready to make choices that are consistent with the life you want.

Month 3 (Sunday, March 8th from 12:30 to 3:30)

Relationship to Money & Career: Find your unique purpose in the world and cultivate creative expression. Find gratitude and feel worthy in your efforts. Learn how to honor your goals when you invest your time and money.

email to register:

Investment: $70

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